Let's talk priorities, and what that means for a disgusting little pigeon like me!
So my biggest meaningful impact here on NG has by far been my podcast, or multiple podcasts. First there's The Hav Show, which I've kind of put to the side right now for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that it's mostly NG-centric; lately I've been more busy with IRL priorities and therefore have not had as much time to be an NG sleuth. But also I've been caught up with other projects, the most relevant one here being my second podcast, Nol's Therapy Mansion. Make no mistake, I'm still continuing that one, but as of late I've been coming to a bit of realisation of things.
I'm realising that if I actually want to make someone of a career for myself in the arts and entertainment and all that (which is essentially my goal) then, well, I have to go beyond this Newgrounds stuff. I originally kind of just thought that I had to have an extensive digital footprint in order for anyone to even give me a glance, which I still think is true. But it's become pretty clear that Newgrounds isn't actually my ticket to that solution. If I really want to show that I'm serious about doing something out there in the world, I need to build a legitimate resume outside of that.
Which is part of why I've started to return to writing again, which I'm pretty happy about! I'm currently writing a "novel" of sorts that I also plan to make a screenplay version of at some point down the line, which will look great for me and on my resume. I'm still learning to draw and podcast and all that, but they aren't my main priorities at the moment. I think it's safe to say I'm not going to be some amazing popular hentai artist anytime soon, just realistically speaking. And also, as much as my podcast(s) is still a show that I've done something, it's not, like, that huge of a thing, right? It really ain't.
I get it, I could flesh them out over the next year or so to make it so that they're real, concrete things I could actually present to people more successful than me. And that's probably what I'll end up doing! But these just aren't the things I'm going to be riding all of my potential future on, that would just be irresponsible of me.
There's probably more I could say and this might not be the most well-structured post, but this pretty much sums it all up relatively well. I'm still going to be putting projects up on Newgrounds - whatever they may be - though other important projects outside of NG are going to (hopefully) be taking a front seat.
Nol's Therapy Mansion Episode Three will be out hopefully relatively soon. I won't give any deadlines because that'll just make it a whole lot worse. So yeah, stay tuned for that if you're one of the three people who follow me closely enough to be bothered!
-cringe pigeon fursona